Research Article

A Quantitative Assessment Approach to COTS Component Security

Algorithm 1

QACS (quantitative assessment of component security) algorithm.
Input: Interface information XML file; Fault injection operator; Prediction rules PRED;
Probability matrix ; MC’s threshold and IC’s threshold value and .
Output: The security level of the whole component
01 {
02 Read XML file;
03 MC = 0, IC = 0, = 0, cnt = 0; // cnt is the number of component vulnerability methods
04 While IC < do  // For each interface in
05 {
06 , ;
07 While MC < θ do // For each method in
08 {
09 ; // is the number of the testing methods
10 Generate method parameter values set according to fault injection operators;
11 Call testing cases generating algorithm TGSM(); //call the generation algorithm of the
minimum factors combined cover test case based on solution matrix
12 Running and ;
13 If (the output after running and satisfies PRED)
14  {
15   increment cnt;
16   × ;// the vulnerability level of the method in the interface
17  }
18 MC = / ;
19 }
20 IC = / ;
21 }
22 ;
23 (Output) ;
24 }