Research Article

Association Rule Hiding Based on Intersection Lattice

Algorithm 1

The AARHIL algorithm.
Input: Original database , thresholds and , , association rules and sensitive
association rules ,.
Output: Released database .
(1)For each     Do
(2)  Calculate = ;
(3) ;
(4) ;
(5)For  each rule
(6)  Compute ;
(7)  For each transaction , compute ;
(8)  Sort in descending order of ;
(9)  n_trans = ;
(10)  While  n_trans > 0
(11)   Specify victim item : ;
(12)   k_trans = + 1;
(13)   Remove from first transactions in ;
(14)   Remove first transactions from ;
(15)   n_trans = n_trans − ;
(16)   Update , , , , ;
(17)  End
(18) End