Research Article

A Novel Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication Algorithm against Power Analysis

Algorithm 6

New multi-scalar multiplication algorithm.
(1) Compute the NAF form of ;
(2) Add leading 0's in so that the number of bits in
is multiple of 2, ,
(3) ;
(4) While do
(4.1) if and = (0, 0)) then
(4.2) if then
(4.3)  set and
(4.4) else if then
(4.5)  set
(4.6) else if then
(4.7)  set and
(4.8) else if then
(4.9)  set and
(4.10) else
(4.11)  set and
(4.12) else
(4.13) ;
(5) Pre-computation
(6) ;
(7) For from downto 0 do
(7.1) ;
(7.2) ;
(7.3) if then
(7.4)  ;
(7.5) else if then
(7.6)  if then
(7.7 )   ;
(7.8) else
(7.9)   ;
(7.10) else
(7.11)  ;
(8) Return .