
This paper addresses the problem of control for a class of uncertain stochastic systems with Markovian switching and time-varying delays. The system under consideration is subject to time-varying norm-bounded parameter uncertainties and an unknown nonlinear function in the state. An integral sliding surface corresponding to every mode is first constructed, and the given sliding mode controller concerning the transition rates of modes can deal with the effect of Markovian switching. The synthesized sliding mode control law ensures the reachability of the sliding surface for corresponding subsystems and the global stochastic stability of the sliding mode dynamics. A simulation example is presented to illustrate the proposed method.

1. Introduction

Many practical dynamics, for example, manufacturing systems, chemical process systems, computer controlled systems and communication systems, solar receiver control, and power systems, experience abrupt random changes in their structure. These changes are usually caused by random failure or repairs of the components, changing in subsystems interconnections, sudden environmental changes, and so forth. Such systems can be modeled as hybrid systems. One special class of hybrid systems is named Markovian jump systems (MJSs), whose system mode is governed by a Markov process. During the past decades, due to their potential applications in manufacturing systems and communications, considerable attention has been paid to the problems of stability and stabilization [1ā€“5], control and filtering [6ā€“8], optimal tracking problem [9], and so on. The robust stability and stabilization of uncertain stochastic systems with time-varying delays are investigated by using the linear matrix inequality approach (LMI) [10]. Some stability criteria are obtained for a class of bilinear continuous time-delay uncertain systems with Markovian jump parameter [11]. In [12], a robust controller is designed for uncertain systems with state delay. Huang and Mao [13] investigated the stabilization of stochastic linear systems by delayed state feedback controller. In [14], the method of Lyapunov functional is employed to study -moment stability of nonlinear stochastic systems with impulsive and Markovian switching.

The SMC for stochastic systems has received an increasing attention. K. Chang and W. Chang [15] developd an SMC method to guarantee the robust state covariance assignment for perturbed stochastic multivariable systems via variable structure control. In [16], robust observer design for Ito stochastic time-delay systems has been studied via sliding mode control and the sufficient conditions for the asymptotic stability (in probability) of the sliding motion are derived. Niu et al. [17] paid some efforts to coping with the connection among the designed sliding surface corresponding to every mode for MJSs. However, there are little results reported on the SMC of stochastic systems with Markovian switching. The existence of uncertainties, time-varying delays, Markovian switching, and bilinear perturbations will make the problem more complex and challenging.

This paper studies the robust control problem for uncertain stochastic systems with time-varying delays and Markovian switching. The systems under consideration may contain time-varying parameter uncertainties and bilinear stochastic perturbations, nonlinearities, and external disturbance. An integral-type sliding surface is constructed. Due to the existence of Markovian switching, in the design of sliding surface, a set of specified matrices are given to establish the connections among sliding surfaces corresponding to every mode. SMC law is synthesized to guarantee that the trajectories can be driven onto the specified sliding surfaces for each mode in finite time and the dynamics along the sliding surface for each mode is stochastically stable.

2. Preliminaries

Let be a probability space with the sample space, the -algebra of subsets of the sample space, and the probability measure. and denote the Euclidean norm and -norm of a vector or its induced matrix norm, respectively. If , we have that . stands for the usual norm. For a real matrix , means that is symmetric positive definite. is the identity matrix with compatible dimension.

The Markov process represents the switching between the different modes taking values in a finite state space with generator given by

where is the transition rate from mode to and satisfies the following relations:

and is such that .

Consider the following stochastic system with Markovian switching and time-varying delay:

where is the system state, is the control input, is the controlled output, is the exogenous disturbance input belonging to , and is a one-dimensional Brownian motion defined on the probability space . , , , , , , , , and are known real constant matrices with appropriate dimensions. In general, it is assumed that the pair is controllable and the input matrix has full column rank. is the time-varying delay satisfying

where and are known real constant scalars, and is a continuous vector-valued initial function. , , , , and are parameter uncertainties, and unknown function is an unknown nonlinear uncertainties.

For each , for the sake of convenience, denote and . Other matrices are defined as above. Then system (3) becomes

For , the admissible uncertainties are assumed to be norm bounded and can be described as

where is a constant scalar, , , , , , , and are known real constant matrices, and and are unknown matrix functions satisfying

In the sequel, some concepts and lemmas about the stability of stochastic systems are used.

Definition 1. System (5)ā€“(7) with is stochastically stable for , if there exists a constant matrix such that the following inequality holds for any pair of initial conditions

Definition 2. For given scalar , the system (5)ā€“(7) is said to stochastically stabilizable and satisfy if the closed-loop system is stochastically stable for and for all mismatched uncertainties,
holds, where .

Definition 3. Let denote the family of all nonnegative functions that are continuously twice differentiable in and once differentiable with respect to . For each , define an infinitesimal operator from to as follows:
The following matrix inequalities will be essential for the proofs in Section 3.

Lemma 4 (see [18]). Let , , , and be real matrices of appropriate dimensions with , then, for any real matrix , there exists scalar , and one has the following:
if and only if there exists some scalar such that

Lemma 5 (see [18]). For any real vectors and matrix of compatible dimensions

3. Main Results

This section constructs an SMC law for system (5)ā€“(7) such that the resultant closed-loop system is stochastically stable despite uncertainties, exogenous disturbance, time delay, and Markovian switching.

3.1. Integral-Type Sliding Surface

As the first step of SMC design, the integral-type sliding surface is constructed as follows:

for each . In (17), the matrix is chosen such that the matrix is Hurwitz. In particular, the matrix is to be designed so that is nonsingular and . Under the assumption that is full rank, it can be easily shown that the nonsingularity of can be guaranteed if is symmetric positive definite, that is, . In addition, the condition will be incorporated in Theorem 6.

The solution of the stochastic system (5)ā€“(7) is expressed as follows:

Under the condition that , it can be obtained from (17) and (18) that

According to the sliding mode theory, we have and . The equivalent control law in the sliding mode can be obtained by solving as

Substituting (20) into (5), the sliding mode dynamics in can be written as

Now, the stochastic stability of the sliding mode dynamics described by (21) will be analyzed.

3.2. Stochastic Stability of Sliding Surface

Theorem 6. Consider the stochastic delay system (5)ā€“(7) with assumptions (4), (8)ā€“(10), and the sliding mode surface (17). For a given scalar , if there exist matrices and , scalars , , , and () satisfy the following LMIs:
and then the sliding motion (21) is stochastically stable and satisfies performance for all .

Proof. Consider the following Lyapunov function:
By Definition 2, the stochastic stability for systems (21) is firstly established with . From Definition 3, the infinitesimal operator for (21) with is obtained for each
Using Lemma 5, one has
From (22), we can obtain . According to assumption (8), it has
where , . Define . Then it follows from (26)ā€“(28) that
in which
So, if , for any , we have
According to Definition 1, the sliding mode dynamics (21) is stochastically stable.
By Schurā€™s complement, is equivalent to the following LMI:
According to Lemma 4, there exists positive scalar such that the following LMI holds:
Moreover, by Schurā€™s complement lemma, the above inequality is implied by (22).
Then, we will prove that the stochastic system (21) with (6) satisfies
for all nonzero .
Choose the same Lyapunov function as (25). And the generator with can be calculated as follows:
So, under zero initial condition, we have for . From Dynkinā€™s formula, one has
Then, similar to the (26)ā€“(29), we can obtain
and and are defined as in (30).
It is observed that from (22) and Schurā€™s complement. Hence, by (39), inequality holds for all nonzero . The proof is complete.

Remark 7. Notice that the condition in Theorem 6 is not a convex set due to the matrix equality constraints in (23). A simple algorithm is given to solve the feasibility problem. The equality condition with satisfying inequality (22) can be equivalently converted to .
Consider the following matrix inequality for :
By Schurā€™s complement, one has
Now, the problem is changed to a problem of finding a global solution of the following minimization problem:
It can be seen that if the global infimum of (46) equals to zero, the corresponding solutions will satisfy the LMIs (22) and (23). So, the sliding control problem is solvable.

3.3. SMC Law Synthesis

Now, we will synthesize a SMC law to ensure that the trajectories of system (5)ā€“(7) can be driven to reach and keep the predefined surface from the initial time.

Theorem 8. For the uncertain stochastic delay system (5)ā€“(7) with Markovian jumping and assumptions (4) and (8)ā€“(10), the sliding surface is designed as (17) where , are the solutions of LMI (22)-(23). Then the trajectories of system can be driven to the sliding surface in finite time (with probability one) by employing the following SMC law:
with are a small positive constant for each .

Proof. By (19) and (47), and by observing that , it follows that
Choose the following Lyapunov function candidate:
Utilizing expression (49) yields
Noting that and substituting (48) into (51), one has
This means that the trajectories of system (5)ā€“(7) can be driven to remain in the sliding surface from the initial time.

Remark 9. The use of sign function may cause chattering behavior, which is undesired in practical engineering background [19]. To avoid the shortcomings, the function is introduced to approximate function [20].

From SMC (47)-(48), it is seen that the bound of is needed to synthesize the SMC law. It is well known that a practical engineering system may lose the exact knowledge of the bound due to the noise pollution and measurement error. Then, an adaptive SMC law is further presented for the case when the bound is unknown.

Theorem 10. For the uncertain stochastic delay systems (5)ā€“(7) with Markovian jumping and assumptions (4) and (8)ā€“(10), the sliding surface is designed as (17) where , are the solutions of LMI (22)-(23). Then the trajectories of system can be driven to the sliding surface in finite time (with probability one) by employing the following SMC law:
and adaptive law as
with , as small positive constants for each .

Proof. Choose the following Lyapunov function:
where . In line with the proof of Theorem 8, it can easily obtained that
Noting that and substituting (54) into (57), one has
This means that the trajectories of system (5)ā€“(7) can be driven to remain in the sliding surface from the initial time. This completes the proof.

4. Simulation Example

Consider the uncertain stochastic delay system (3) with and the following parameters.

Mode 1. We have the following:

Mode 2. We have the following:

Moreover, the time-varying delay with , , and the transition rate matrix of Markov chain is defined as . Choose . Now, for the bounds and , solving LMIs (22)-(23) yields

Furthermore, controller gain and are chosen as

Then, the desired SMC law can be obtained as follows.

Mode 1. We have the following:

Mode 2. We have the following:

where .

Using the discretization approach similar to that in [21], the simulation results are given in Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 which show the effective of the proposed methods. Figures 1ā€“6 demonstrated the simulation results for every mode, respectively.

5. Conclusions

This work has investigated the problem of SMC problem for stochastic systems with Markovian switching and time-varying delays. A sufficient condition for the stochastic stability of sliding motion has been proposed in terms of LMIs. An SMC law has been synthesized such that the state trajectories of the closed-lop systems are globally driven onto the specified switching surface corresponding to every mode and reduces the effect of the disturbance input on the controlled output to a prescribed level irrespective of all the admissible uncertainties. It is observed that the effects of Markovian switching and time delay have been considered in the design of both sliding surface and SMC law. Future works will consider the problem of SMC problem for singular systems with Markovian switching and time-varying delays. In that case, due to the existence of singular matrix, the sliding mode control law design is much more complicated.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China 61273091 and 61104007, the Young and Middle-Aged Scientists Research Foundation of Shandong Province under Grant BS2011DX013 and BS2012SF008, Taishan Scholar Project of Shandong Province, and the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong province ZR2011FM033.