Research Article

An Efficient Approach for Solving Mesh Optimization Problems Using Newton’s Method

Algorithm 5

Surface mesh optimization using Newton’s method.
Map the vertex coordinate to a parametric space [3]
while  not converged  do
 Compute the gradient and Hessian of
if   is not positive definite  then
  Perform Hessian modification
end if
 Newton direction:
 Update the vertex position: such that satisfies the   
if   satisfies both the mesh validity and surface constraints  then
  Update the vertex position and map to
  if   does not satisfy the mesh validity  then
   Backtracking Line Search: set ,
   such that satisfies mesh validity
  end if
  if   does not satisfy the surface constraints  then
   Change the parametric space to the neighborhood parametric space
  end if
  Update the vertex position and map to
end if
end while