Research Article

Cooperative Behaviours with Swarm Intelligence in Multirobot Systems for Safety Inspections in Underground Terrains

Algorithm 2

Pseudocode for QLACS.
INPUT: Edge distance(obstacles), pheromones, ants’ trail, associated probabilities,
starting and terminating indexes that is, from F or C
OUTPUT: Effective cooperation, inspection and navigation
(1)Boolean CompletedFlag = False //Boolean variable indicates completion for all the threads
(2)Declare CompletedThreadBuffer //Data structure stores Info about completed thread
(3)Initialize all values to Zero //All values positions are initialized to zero
(4)Initialize Best Paths From ACO algorithm //starting from and
(5)While (CompletedFlag <> True) //Checks for when all robots have finished and flag is true
  Create N number of Threads in Parallel
  Threads get Current States in Parallel from ACO algorithm
  Threads get Next States and Indexes in Parallel from ACO algorithm
  Threads compare values of all corresponding positions of Current States (Each Robot Broadcast
   value info)
  IF ((Q  ==  0) & (ThreadNextState <> GoalState)) //Checks if a particulate state is available
   State is Available, Robot with the CurrentThreadID Inspects
   Compute and Update value
IF (Q  >  0) //checks if a state is not available, because an already inspected state has > 0
   State is already inspected, Robot with the CurrentThreadID Ignore
   Compute and Update value
IF ((Q  ==  0) & (ThreadNextState   ==   GoalState)) //Checks for goal state and shuts down.
   Compute and Update value
   Goal state is reached and Inspection Completed
   Thread with the CurrentThreadID Shuts down
   Store CurrentThreadID in  CompletedThreadBuffer
IF (Count [CompletedThreadBuffer]   ==   NumberOfRobot) //Learning stops when this happens
   CompletedFlag = True
End of While Loop.