Research Article

Multiple Memory Structure Bit Reversal Algorithm Based on Recursive Patterns of Bit Reversal Permutation

Algorithm 1

C++ implementation of new BRA with single array for split = 1 (BRA_Split_1_1A).
void mf_ BRM_Split_1_1A (unsigned int ui_NS, int ui_log2NS)
unsigned int ui_N
unsigned int ui_EB;
unsigned int ui_t;
unsigned int ui_L;
unsigned int ui_DL;
ui_N = ui_NS;// Number of samples
ui_t = ui_log2NS − 1;
ui_EB = ui_N/2;
ui_L = 1;
unsigned int* BRP = new unsigned int ui_N];
BRP 0 = 0;
BRP ui_EB] = 1;
for (unsigned int q = 0; q < ui_t; q++)
  ui_DL = ui_L + ui_L;
  ui_N = ui_N/2;
  for (unsigned int j = ui_L; j < ui_DL; j++)
   BRP j] = BRP j − ui_L] + ui_N;
   BRP ui_EB + j] = BRP j] + 1;
ui_L = ui_L + ui_L;
delete BRP;