Research Article

Chaotic Path Planner of Autonomous Mobile Robots Based on the Standard Map for Surveillance Missions

Pseudocode 1

Pseudocodes of the iterations fusion strategy.
// initialization of the parameters
 suppose a whole workspace ;
 size of the divided small grids ;
 each small grid region of ;
 the total small iterative steps ;
 each small iterative steps in one cycle ;
 the total large iterative steps ;
 each large iterative steps in one cycle ;
// the whole iteration procedure
 while ();
  ((0), (0)) rand(); // randomly select an initial point in
  ((0), (0)) ((), ());
  ; // compute small grid number
  if ; // is the small grid iteration times in the current ;
   elseif ;
    ((0), (0)) ((), ());
    if ;
   else small_iteration_cycle;
 function small_iteration_cycle
  while ();
   Equation (3);
 function large_iteration_cycle
  while ();
   Equation (3);
  function Equation (3)