Research Article

The Algorithm for Algorithms: An Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Automatic Designing of Genetic Operators

Algorithm 5

The framework of the unit of automatically designing genetic operators.
(2)  Input: = , ;
(3)  Select randomly , :
(4)  Select a new operator to which will generate a new chromosome by MEP genetic operators.
(5)  For   to times  Do
(6)    Select randomly , :
(8)    For   to   Do
(9)       If  ( or )  Then
(12)       Else
(14)       End If
(15)    End For
(16)    If   is better than   Then
(18)    End If
(19)    If   is better than   Then
(21)    End If
(22)  End For
(22)  If     Then
(25)  Else
(27)  End If