Research Article

Optimization of the Distribution and Localization of Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Differential Evolution Approach

Algorithm 1

DEA applied to WSN.
procedure DEA
 Set the control parameters
 Create Pop
 Evaluate fitness, area, energy, redundancy
 Start generations counter
 Repeat until stop conditions are completed:
 (tree is built and ) or
 (tree is built and area coverage ≥  )
for   to   do
  Select from Pop
  Mutation , equation (19);
  Recombination , equation (20);
  Validate .
  Update () if needed;
  De-overlap , update () if needed;
  Selection, equation (21)
end for
fitness, area, energy and redundancy
 Apply Hungarian algorithm to versus .
 Apply Prim-Dijkstra(cnode, ) to array of links;
if Some nodes are not connected to the tree then
else nodes are connected
  Tree has been build.
end if
scale = scale + delta (Variable option until )
 End repeat
return  , Fitness, Area, Energy, redundancy
end procedure