Research Article

Verifying Service Choreography Model Based on Description Logic

Table 1

A summary of metaconcepts of service choreography for the metamodel (a fragment).


ParticipantThe business entities or web services that participate in service interaction. is the name and denotes the roles it implements.

RoleThe observable behavior a participant exhibits in order to collaborate. initiates the collaborative operations () through channels () with other roles, and the local variables () will be affected.

ActivityThe actual functions performed in the choreography. They () can be categorized into basic activities and structural activities.

PreconditionThe preconditions of session execution, specified in Boolean type.

GuardThe bindings of preconditions to sessions.

VariableThe variables a role has. It is a component of a role specification.

OperationThe operations a role provides. It is a component of a role specification.

ChannelThe locations and manners through which information is exchanged between roles. and denote the channel locations and interaction activities, respectively.

InterfaceThe declaration of the participants () that collaborate.

PortThe way through which roles interact. One interface may correspond to one role and multiports.