
The authors address likelihood ratio statistics used to test simultaneously conditions on mean vectors and patterns on covariance matrices. Tests for conditions on mean vectors, assuming or not a given structure for the covariance matrix, are quite common, since they may be easily implemented. But, on the other hand, the practical use of simultaneous tests for conditions on the mean vectors and a given pattern for the covariance matrix is usually hindered by the nonmanageability of the expressions for their exact distribution functions. The authors show the importance of being able to adequately factorize the c.f. of the logarithm of likelihood ratio statistics in order to obtain sharp and highly manageable near-exact distributions, or even the exact distribution in a highly manageable form. The tests considered are the simultaneous tests of equality or nullity of means and circularity, compound symmetry, or sphericity of the covariance matrix. Numerical studies show the high accuracy of the near-exact distributions and their adequacy for cases with very small samples and/or large number of variables. The exact and near-exact quantiles computed show how the common chi-square asymptotic approximation is highly inadequate for situations with small samples or large number of variables.

1. Introduction

Testing conditions on mean vectors is a common procedure in multivariate statistics. Often a given structure is assumed for the covariance matrix, without testing it, or otherwise this test to the covariance structure is carried out apart. This is often due to the fact that the exact distribution of the test statistics used to test simultaneously conditions on mean vectors and patterns on covariance matrices is too elaborate to be used in practice. The authors show how this problem may be overcome with the development of very sharp and manageable near-exact distributions for the test statistics. These distributions may be obtained from adequate factorizations of the characteristic function (c.f.) of the logarithm of the likelihood ratio (l.r.) statistics used for these tests.

The conditions tested on mean vectors are(i)the equality of all the means in the mean vector,(ii)the nullity of all the means in the mean vectorand the patterns tested on covariance matrices are(i)circularity,(ii)compound symmetry,(iii)sphericity.

Let be a random vector with . The covariance matrix is said to be circular, or circulant, if ,  , with where , for ; .

For example, for and , we have

Besides the almost obvious area of times series analysis, there is a wealth of other areas and research fields where circular or circulant matrices arise, such as statistical signal processing, information theory and cryptography, biological sciences, psychometry, quality control, and signal detection, as well as spatial statistics and engineering, when observations are made on the vertices of a regular polygon.

We say that a positive-definite covariance matrix is compound-symmetric if we can write For example, for , we have

If, in (3), , we say that the matrix is spheric.

The l.r. tests for equality and nullity of means, assuming circularity, and the l.r. tests for the simultaneous test of equality or nullity of means and circularity of the covariance matrix were developed by [1], while the test for equality of means, assuming compound symmetry, and the test for equality of means and compound symmetry were formulated by [2] and the test for nullity of the means, assuming compound symmetry, and the simultaneous test for nullity of the means and compound symmetry of the covariance matrix were worked out by [3]. The exact distribution for the l.r. test statistic for the simultaneous test of equality of means and circularity of the covariance matrix was obtained in [4] and is briefly referred to in Section 2, for the sake of completeness, while near-exact distributions for the l.r. test statistic for the simultaneous test of nullity of the means and circularity of the covariance matrix are developed in Section 3. Near-exact distributions for the l.r. test statistics for the simultaneous test of equality and nullity of the means and compound symmetry of the covariance matrix are developed in Sections 4 and 5, using a different approach from the one used in Section 3. The l.r. statistics for the tests of equality and nullity of all means, assuming sphericity of the covariance matrix, may be analyzed in Appendix C and the l.r. statistics for the simultaneous tests of equality and nullity of all means and sphericity, together with the development of near-exact distributions for these statistics, may be examined in Sections 6 and 7.

Since, as referred above, the exact distributions for the statistics for the simultaneous tests of conditions on means vectors and patterns of covariance matrices are too elaborate to be used in practice, the authors propose in this paper the use of near-exact distributions for these statistics. These are asymptotic distributions which are built using a different concept in approximating distributions which combines an adequately developed decomposition of the c.f. of the statistic or of its logarithm, most often a factorization, with the action of keeping then most of this c.f. unchanged and replacing the remaining smaller part by an adequate asymptotic approximation [5, 6]. All this is done in order to obtain a manageable and very well-fitting approximation, which may be used to compute near-exact quantiles or values. These distributions are much useful in situations where it is not possible to obtain the exact distribution in a manageable form and the common asymptotic distributions do not display the necessary precision. Near-exact distributions show very good performances for very small samples, and when correctly developed for statistics used in Multivariate Analysis, near-exact distributions display a sharp asymptotic behavior both for increasing sample sizes and for increasing number of variables.

In Sections 37, near-exact distributions are obtained using different techniques and results, according to the structure of the exact distribution of the statistic.

In order to study, in each case, the proximity between the near-exact distributions developed and the exact distribution, we will use the measure withwhere represents the l.r. statistic, is the exact c.f. of , is the near-exact c.f., and , , , and are the exact and near-exact c.d.f.’s of and .

This measure is particularly useful, since in our cases we do not have the exact c.d.f. of or in a manageable form, but we have both the exact and near-exact c.f.’s for .

2. The Likelihood Ratio Test for the Simultaneous Test of Equality of Means and the Circularity of the Covariance Matrix

Let , where . Then, for a sample of size , the th power of the l.r. statistic to test the null hypothesisis where , is the maximum likelihood estimator (m.l.e.) of , , where is the matrix with running elementwith , and where is the th diagonal element of , andwith , where is the vector of sample means.

This test statistic was derived by [1, sec. 5.2], where the expression for the l.r. test statistic has to be slightly corrected.

According to [1], where are a set of independent r.v.’s.

From this fact we may write the c.f. of as

By adequately handling this c.f., the exact distribution of is obtained in [4] as a Generalized Integer Gamma (GIG) distribution (see [7] for the GIG distribution), since we may writefor

A popular asymptotic approximation for the distribution of is the chi-square asymptotic distribution with a number of degrees of freedom equal to the difference of the number of unknown parameters under the alternative hypothesis and the number of parameters under the null hypothesis, which gives for , for in (8), a chi-square asymptotic distribution with degrees of freedom. Although this is a valid approximation for large sample sizes, in practical terms, this approximation is somewhat useless given the fact that it gives quantiles that are much lower than the exact ones, as it may be seen from the quantiles in Table 1, namely, for small samples or when the number of variables involved is somewhat large.

From the values in Table 1 we may see that even for quite large sample sizes and rather small number of variables as in the case of and , the asymptotic chi-square quantile does not even match the units digit of the exact quantile, a difference that gets even larger as the number of variables increases. The chi-square asymptotic quantiles are always smaller than the exact ones, their use leading to an excessive number of rejections of the null hypotheses, a problem that becomes a grievous one when we use smaller samples or larger numbers of variables.

3. The Likelihood Ratio Test for the Simultaneous Test of Nullity of Means and the Circularity of the Covariance Matrix

For a sample of size , the th power of the l.r. test statistic to test the null hypothesis iswhere , , and , as well as the matrices and , are defined as in the previous section.

According to [1],whereare a set of independent r.v.’s.

Taking and following similar steps to the ones used in [4] to handle the c.f. of , we may write the c.f. of asfor given by (15).

This shows that the exact distribution of is the same as that of the sum of GIG distributions of depth with an independent distributed r.v.

But then, using the result in expression (3) of [8], we know that we can replace asymptotically a distribution by an infinite mixture of distributions , for large values of . This means that we can replace asymptotically

As such, in order to obtain a very sharp and manageable near-exact distribution for , we will use, as near-exact c.f. for ,where the weights , , will be determined in such a way thatwith .

is the c.f. of a mixture of Generalized Near-Integer Gamma (GNIG) distributions of depth (see [5] for the GNIG distribution).

As such, using the notation for the p.d.f. and c.d.f. of the GNIG distribution used in Section 3 of [6], the near-exact p.d.f.’s and c.d.f.’s for and arewith given by (15).

In Table 2 we may analyze values of the measure in (5) for the near-exact distributions developed in this section, for different values of and different sample sizes. We may see how these near-exact distributions display very low values of the measure , indicating an extremely good proximity to the exact distribution, even for very small sample sizes, and how they display a sharp asymptotic behavior for increasing values of and .

In Table 3 we may analyze the asymptotic quantiles for for the common chi-square asymptotic approximation for l.r. statistics, here with degrees of freedom and the quantiles for the near-exact distributions that equate 2, 6, and 10 exact moments. These quantiles are shown with 26 decimal places in order to make it possible to identify the number of correct decimal places for the quantiles of the near-exact distributions that match 2 and 6 exact moments. We should note that the quantiles of the near-exact distributions that match 10 exact moments always have much more than 26 decimal places that are correct. Also for the statistic in this section, we may see the lack of precision of the asymptotic chi-square quantiles.

4. The Likelihood Ratio Test for the Simultaneous Test of Equality of Means and Compound Symmetry of the Covariance Matrix

Let us assume that , with . We are interested in testing the hypothesis where represents a compound symmetric matrix, as defined in (3).

For a sample of size , the th power of the l.r. test statistic is (see [2]) where with being the sample matrix and a matrix of 1’s of dimension , with

Wilks [2] has also shown that whereform a set of independent r.v.’s.

As such, the th moment of may be written as

Since the expression in (33) remains valid for any complex , we may write the c.f. of aswhich may be rewritten asThen, we may apply on the relation to obtainwith

Expression (37) shows that the exact distribution of is the same as that of the sum of GIG distributed r.v.’s of depth with an independent sum of independent r.v.’s.

Our aim in building the near-exact distribution will be to keep unchanged and approximate asymptotically .

In order to obtain this asymptotic approximation, we will need to use a different approach from the one used in the previous section. We will use the result in sec. 5 of [9], which implies that a distribution may be asymptotically replaced by an infinite mixture of distributions.

Using a somewhat heuristic approach, we will thus approximate by a mixture of distributions where is the sum of the second parameters of the Logbeta r.v.’s in and is the common rate parameter in the mixture of two Gamma distributions that matches the first 4 moments of , that is, in

As such, in order to build the near-exact distributions for , we will use, as near exact c.f. for , where the weights , , will be determined in such a way thatwith .

The c.f. in (41) is, for integer , the c.f. of a mixture of GIG distributions of depth or, for noninteger , the c.f. of a mixture of GNIG distributions of depth , with shape parameters and rate parameters .

This will yield, for noninteger , near-exact distributions whose p.d.f.’s and c.d.f.’s for and are with given by (38). For integer , we will only have to replace in the above expressions the GNIG p.d.f. and c.d.f. by the GIG p.d.f. and c.d.f., respectively.

In Table 4, we may analyze values of the measure in (5) for the near-exact distributions developed in this section, for different values of and different sample sizes. We may see how these near-exact distributions display, once again, very low values of the measure even for very small sample sizes, indicating an extremely good proximity to the exact distribution and how, once again, they display a sharp asymptotic behavior for increasing values of and , although for large values of , namely, for in Table 4, one may have to consider larger values of in order to be able to observe the asymptotic behavior in terms of sample size.

The asymptotic quantiles for in Table 5, for the common chi-square asymptotic approximation for l.r. statistics, now with degrees of freedom, display again, as in the previous sections, an almost shocking lack of precision, mainly for small sample sizes and/or larger numbers of variables. On the other hand, the near-exact quantiles show a steady evolution towards the exact quantiles for increasing number of exact moments matched, with the quantiles for the near-exact distributions that match 6 exact moments displaying more than 20 correct decimal places, for the larger sample sizes.

5. The Likelihood Ratio Test for the Simultaneous Test of Nullity of Means and Compound Symmetry of the Covariance Matrix

Let us assume now that . We are interested in testing the hypothesis

We may writewhere

While, for a sample of size , the th power of the l.r. statistic to test may be shown to be (see Appendix A for details) where and are given by (28) and withwhere is the sample matrix, the l.r. test statistic to test is shown by [2] to beagain with and given by (28) and given by (27).

The l.r. test to test in (44) is thus

For a sample of size , , the th power of the l.r. test statistic to test , may be shown to be distributed as (see [3] and Appendix A for details) , where and are independent, with while [2] shows that the th power of the l.r. statistic to test is distributed as , where are independent, with

Based on Theorem  5 in [10], it is then possible to show that the l.r. statistics to test and are independent, since is independent of and is built only on this statistic, since is the same statistic in a constrained subspace.

From this fact, we may show that the th power of the l.r. statistic to test in (44), , is distributed as (see Appendix B for details) where all r.v.’s are independent, withWe note that the r.v.’s are the same as the r.v.’s in (31) and (32).

As such, the c.f. of may be written aswith given by (38).

Then, following a similar approach to the one used for and , in the previous section, we obtain near-exact distributions with a similar structure to those in that section, now with and with determined as the solution of a system of equations similar to the one in (40), with replaced by .

This will yield for and near-exact distributions with p.d.f.’s and c.d.f.’s given by (43), now with given by (57).

We should note that as it happens with and , also for and , may be either an integer or a half-integer, so that, in those cases where is an integer, the near-exact distributions are mixtures of GIG distributions, while when is noninteger, they are mixtures of GNIG distributions.

In Table 6 we may analyze values of the measure in (5) for the near-exact distributions developed in this section, for different values of and different sample sizes. We may see how these near-exact distributions display similar properties to those of the near-exact distributions developed for in the previous section.

In Table 7, the asymptotic chi-square quantiles are made available for the common chi-square asymptotic approximation for l.r. statistics, now with degrees of freedom, as well as the near-exact quantiles for . Similar conclusions to those drawn in the previous sections apply here.

6. The Likelihood Ratio Test for the Simultaneous Test of Equality of Means and Sphericity of the Covariance Matrix

If , where , and we are interested in testing the null hypothesis we may writewhere where, for a sample of size , the th power of the l.r. statistic to test , versus an alternative hypothesis that assumes sphericity for the covariance matrix and no structure for the mean vector, may be shown to be (see Appendix C for details) where is the matrix in (27) andwithWe havewhere is the sample matrix and

In (65), from standard theory on normal r.v.’s, since , independent for , and, since, under , we have , i.i.d. for , under this null hypothesis, Thus, since the r.v.’s in (67) are independent for , while, from (68),

Since and are independent, given that is independent of all and is defined only from the , then

From [6, 11] and [12, sec. 10.7], the th power of the l.r. statistic to test in (60) is given bywith (see [6])where, for , are a set of independent r.v.’s.

The th power of the l.r. statistic to test in (60) is thus where, from Theorem  5 in [10], we may assure the independence between and and as such say thatwhere all r.v.’s are independent, are the r.v.’s in (75), and is a r.v. with the same distribution as in (72).

Let us take , , and . Then we will havewhere, using (36), we may write, for odd ,and, for even , following similar steps,

Taking for the expression for in (A.6) in [6], we may writewhere ,

Then, following a similar approach to the one used for and , in Section 4, we obtain near-exact distributions with a somewhat similar structure to those in that section, now with and with determined as the solution of a system of equations similar to the one in (40), with replaced by .

This will yield for near-exact distributions which are mixtures of GIG or GNIG distributions, according to the fact that is an integer or a noninteger, of depth , with shape parameterswith by (82) and given by (83), and corresponding rate parameterswith p.d.f.’s and c.d.f.’s, respectively, given by and for with p.d.f.’s and c.d.f.’s, respectively, given by

We should note that as it happens with and , also for and , may be either an integer or a half-integer, so that, in those cases where is an integer, the near-exact distributions are mixtures of GIG distributions, while when is noninteger, they are mixtures of GNIG distributions.

In Table 8 are displayed the values of the measure in (5) for the near-exact distributions developed for and and in Table 9 we may find the chi-square asymptotic quantiles for , based on a chi-square distribution with degrees of freedom and the quantiles for the near-exact distributions with , 6, and 10. Similar conclusions to those drawn for the asymptotic and near-exact distributions for the l.r. statistics in the previous sections also apply here.

7. The Likelihood Ratio Test for the Simultaneous Test of Nullity of Means and Sphericity of the Covariance Matrix

We now assume , and we now want to test the null hypothesis which may be written aswhere For a sample of size , the th power of the l.r. statistic to test , versus an alternative hypothesis that assumes sphericity for the covariance matrix and no structure for the mean vector, may be shown to be (see Appendix D for details) where is the matrix in (27) and now which was already used in Section 5.

We now havewhere is the r.v. defined in (65), is the sample matrix, and

In (93), from standard theory on normal r.v.’s, since under we have , independent for , under this null hypothesis,

Since and are independent, given that is independent of all and is defined only from , then, given the distribution of in (69),

Since is the same hypothesis as in Section 6, the th power of the l.r. statistic to test in (90) is thus where is given by (27) and by (92) and where, from Theorem  5 in [10], we may assure the independence between and , so thatwhere all r.v.’s are independent, are the r.v.’s in (75), and is a r.v. with the same distribution as in (97).

Then, if we take , , and , we may writewhere, using (36), we may write, for even ,while, for odd , we may write

Following then a similar procedure to the one used in the previous section, in order to build near-exact distributions for and , we take for the expression for in (A.6) in [6] and writewhere , and the are defined in (82).

Then, we may obtain near-exact distributions for and , with a similar structure to those in the previous section, now withwith determined as the solution of a system of equations similar to the one in (40), with replaced by .

This yields for near-exact distributions which are mixtures of GIG or GNIG distributions, according to the fact that is an integer or a noninteger, of depth , with shape parameterswith by (82) and given by (104), and corresponding rate parameterswith p.d.f.’s and c.d.f.’s, respectively, given byand for with p.d.f.’s and c.d.f.’s, respectively, given by

We should note that as it happens with the statistics in Sections 36, also for and , may be either an integer or a half-integer, so that, in those cases where is an integer, the near-exact distributions are mixtures of GIG distributions, while when is noninteger, they are mixtures of GNIG distributions.

In Tables 10 and 11 are displayed the values of the measure in (5) for the near-exact distributions developed for and and the chi-square asymptotic quantiles for , based on a chi-square distribution with degrees of freedom, together with the quantiles for the near-exact distributions with , 6, and 10. In these tables we may observe the same developments discovered in previous sections. Although in Table 10 we may observe a slight increase in the values of the measure when we go from to as well as when we compare the near-exact distributions that match only 2 exact moments for and , the near-exact distributions developed end up having a sharp asymptotic behavior for increasing , which is clearly visible when we compare the values of for with those for any other .

8. Conclusions

The near-exact approximations developed in this paper allow the practical and precise implementation of simultaneous tests on conditions on mean vectors and of patterns on covariance matrices. These approximations are based on mixtures of Generalized Near-Integer Gamma or Generalized Integer Gamma distributions which are highly manageable and for which there are computational modules available on the Internet: https://sites.google.com/site/nearexactdistributions/home. Numerical studies show the quality and accuracy of near-exact distributions developed, contrary to what happens, for example, with usual chi-square approximation. A natural extension of this work will be to develop approximations that will allow the implementation of simultaneous tests on the equality or nullity of several mean vectors and on the equality of the corresponding covariance matrices to a given matrix which may have a specific structure.


A. On the Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic to Test the Nullity of Means Assuming Compound Symmetry of the Covariance Matrix

The l.r. statistic to test the null hypotheses is the l.r. statistic to test the null hypothesis in (46), which is where , the likelihood function under in (A.1) above, is, for , defined as in (3), for which we have ,where is the sample matrix, and , the likelihood function under in (A.1), iswhere is an vector of 1’s.

Since under we have and , the m.l.e.’s of and given by (28), and the m.l.e. of is , thenwhere is the matrix defined in (27), with , the vector sample means, which is the m.l.e. of .

In (A.6),so that

Under the m.l.e.’s of and are and , given by (48), and the m.l.e. of is , so thatwhere is the matrix defined in (49).

Given the definition of and in (48), following similar steps to the ones used under , , so that finally

As such, we have and its th power given by in (47).

Let be a Helmert matrix of order . Thenand if we take , we will havewhere are the diagonal elements of .

Since, for in (27), we have thenso that the diagonal elements of are independent, withwhere is the th diagonal element of .

As such, is distributed as times a chi-square r.v. with degrees of freedom, independently distributed from which is distributed as times a chi-square with degrees of freedom.

Concerning the matrix in (49), we know thatso thatwhich shows that the diagonal elements of , , are independently distributed, with

But then, the m.l.e.’s of and , under in (A.1), are given by (48) or, equivalently,as such, with distributed as times a chi-square r.v. with degrees of freedom, independently distributed from which is distributed as times a chi-square with degrees of freedom.

We can writeorwhere, by application of Cochran’s Theorem (see, e.g., [12, Thm. 7.4.1]), it is easy to show that, under in (A.1), and are independent, since we can writewhere, under the null hypothesis in (A.1), the th column of isand we havewithwhich yields for the distribution in (A.14) andso thatso that, for , each th diagonal element of , has a distribution such thatwithwhereso that is independent of and it has a distribution which is that of a chi-square with degrees of freedom, multiplied by , while we also havewhere is distributed as a chi-square with 1 degree of freedom, multiplied by , and distributed independently of .

As suchwhich is independently distributed fromyielding for in (47) the distribution stated in Section 5, as also stated by Geisser in [3], but where the expression for the l.r. statistic should be corrected to be stated as in (A.11).

B. On the Distribution of in (51)

In order to show the distribution of in (51) as mentioned in (54) and (55), all we need to do is to show that for in (53), in (52), and in (55), where is independent of all .

Let us take as a r.v. whose distribution is the same as that of the product of r.v.’s on the left hand side of (B.1) and as a r.v. whose distribution is the same as that of the product of r.v.’s on the right hand side of (B.1).

Then, using the multiplication formula for the Gamma functionwe may writeBut then, since both and have a delimited support, more precisely, between zero and 1, their distribution is determined by their moments and as such .

C. Derivation of the l.r. Statistic to Test Equality of Means, Assuming Sphericity of the Covariance Matrix

Let us suppose that , where , and that we want to test the hypotheses based on a sample of size .

Under , the m.l.e. of iswithwhere is the sample matrix and is a matrix of dimensions of 1’s, that is, a column vector of 1’s. Also, under this same hypothesis, the m.l.e. of iswherewhere is the element in the th row and th column of and is the matrix in (27).

Since the likelihood function isits maximum under in (C.1) is thus

Under the null hypothesis in (C.1), the m.l.e. of iswhere and the m.l.e. of iswithwhere is the matrix in (62), so that the maximum of the likelihood function under in (C.1) is

The l.r. statistic to test the hypotheses in (C.1) is thusso that its th power is the statistic in (72).

D. Derivation of the l.r. Statistic to Test the Nullity of Means, Assuming Sphericity of the Covariance Matrix

Let us suppose that , where , and that we want to test the hypotheses based on a sample of size .

Under in (D.1), the m.l.e.’s of and are the same as those in Appendix C, since this hypothesis is the same as the alternative hypothesis in (C.1) in Appendix C, and, as such, the function , the maximum of the likelihood function under in (D.1), is the same as in (C.7) in Appendix C.

Under the null hypothesis in (D.1), the m.l.e. of iswithwhere is the matrix in (92), so that the maximum of the likelihood function under in (D.1) is given by a similar function to that in (C.11), now with given by (92) and given by (D.3).

The l.r. statistic to test the hypotheses in (D.1) is thus, for in (27) and in (92),so that its th power is the statistic in (91).

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.


Research was partially supported by National Funds through FCT Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, project UID/MAT/00297/2013 (CMA/UNL).