Research Article

Malaria Knowledge, Concern, Land Management, and Protection Practices among Land Owners and/or Managers in Lowland versus Highland Ecuador

Table 2

Summary of binary logistic regression results, from answers to two statements related to knowledge of where malaria occurs and three statements related to concern about malaria and mosquitoes. Gender (reference event = male) and altitude category (reference event = below 1500 m) were included as potential factors. Bonferroni-corrected significance levels are α = 0.025 for “I can get malaria…” and α = 0.016 for “I am concerned about…” Positive Z-scores indicate that the reference event (e.g., male, below 1500 m) were categories that provided the answer more often than the alternative (e.g., female, above 1500 m).

FactorOdds ratio C.I.+C.I.−ZP

I can get malaria…
 … on my propertyGender (m)0.661.250.35−1.280.202
Altitude (b)9.1018.429.106.15<0.001
 … above 3000 m in altitude Gender (m) 0.41 0.80 0.21 −2.61 0.009
Altitude (b)2.464.821.262.62 0.009

I am concerned about…
 … insect-borne disease Gender (m) 0.66 1.17 0.37 −1.42 0.156
Altitude (b)3.806.822.124.47 <0.001
 … mosquitoes on my property Gender (m) 0.49 0.90 0.26 −2.28 0.022
Altitude (b)4.338.222.284.47<0.001
 … malaria on my property Gender (m) 0.79 1.39 0.45 −0.81 0.415
Altitude (b)2.875.081.623.62 <0.001