Review Article

Cerebrospinal Fluid and Blood Biomarkers of Neuroaxonal Damage in Multiple Sclerosis

Table 5

Membrane and nuclear biomarkers of neuroaxonal damage in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and/or clinically isolated syndrome suggestive of MS (CIS).

Body fluidImmunoassayNumber of patientsMain findingsREF

CSFEnzymatic100 MS (RR/SP/PP)MS slightlyNHCo[122]

Apo- E
CSF/SEImmunofluorometry34 MSCSF levels in MS ↓↓ NHCo[159]
CSF2DE-MS10 RRMS + 11 CISone isoform expression in RR ↑↑ CIS or NHCo[161]
CSF/SEImmunoturbidimetry33 MS (RR)CSF/serum index in MS in remission ↑↑ NHCo [160]

CSF/SExMap Bead –based49 MS (RR/SP/PP)CSF in RR SP PP OIND + NIND + HCo, not detected in serum[167]
CSFxMap Bead –based44 MS (RR/SP/PP)significant positive correlation with NAA levels[141]

PLIDMS46 MS (RR/PP)negative correlation with T2 lesion volume[169]
CSF/PLIDMS118 MS (RR/SP/PP)PL levels in older MS ↓↓ HCo[171]
SEIDMS60 MS (RR/SP/PP)PP or older RR HCo[172]
CSF/PLIDMS88 MSPL levels in MS Co[173]

Protein 14-3-3
(cytoplasmic, nuclear, membrane)
CSFWestern blot22 MS (RR/SP/PP) + 15 ATMdetected in about 8% RR/ATM patients[174]
CSFImmunoblot38 CISdetected in 13% CIS patients[175]
CSF/SEImmunoblot21 CISdetected in 1/21 patient[105]
CSFELISA114 MS (RR/SP/PP)detected in 22% MS patients, not detected in HCo[108]
CSFImmunoblot43 MS (RR/SP/PP/PR) + 20 CISdetected in 38% CIS/MS, similar in MS subgroups[140]
CSFImmunoblot85 CISdetected in 8.2 % CIS patients [176]

REF: reference; BACE1: β-site amyloid precursor protein-cleaving enzyme 1; Apo-E: Apolipoprotein-E; GAP-43: growth-associated protein-43; 24S-OH-chol: 24S-hydroxycholesterol; SE: serum; PL: plasma; Enzymatic: Enzymatic solution-based assay; 2DE-MS: two-dimensional electrophoresis-mass spectrometry; IDMS: isotope-dilution mass spectrometry; ELISA: Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; RR: relapsing-remitting MS; SP: secondary-progressive MS; PP: primary-progressive MS; ATM: acute transverse myelitis; NAA: N-acetylaspartate; lower than; ↓↓ significantly lower than; ↑↑ significantly higher than; no difference between; NHCo: neurologically healthy controls; OIND: other inflammatory neurological diseases; NIND: noninflammatory neurological disorders; HCo: healthy controls; Co: controls with idiopathic headache.