Review Article

Benefits of Whole-Body Vibration with an Oscillating Platform for People with Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review

Table 2

Data about the devices of the oscillating platform, the subjects, the frequency, and the amplitude used in the oscillating platforms.

ReferenceSubjects (sex, age, groups)Platform manufacturerOscillation frequency/amplitudeDisability level of the subjects

Schuhfried et al., [29]Two groups: intervention (1 male/5 female, 49.3 y) and placebo (2 male/4 female, 46.0 y)Zeptor: Med system (Scisen GmbH, Germany)From 1 Hz/3 mm until the patient does not tolerate a further increase.Subjects with an impairment of ≤5 based on Kurtzke’s expanded disability status scale (EDSS).
Jackson et al., [30]15 subjects (3 male/12 female, 54.6 y) were divided in two groups. A group was submitted to 2 Hz and the other one was submitted to 26 HzMaxuvibe platform (Fitgroup BV, Hoogstraat, Holland)2 or 26 Hz/6 mmSubjects with an impairment of ≤6.5 based on Kurtzke’s EDSS.
Schyns et al., [31]Two groups: Group I (5 females/3 males, 45.8 years old) and Group II (7 females/1 male, 49.5 years old)VibroGym International BV, The Netherlands40 Hz/2 mmSubjects with an impairment between 1 and 6 on the Hauser ambulation index
Wunderer et al., [32]3 subjectsVibroGym apparatus (Professional model, ES Haarlem, The Netherlands)40 Hz/2 mmScores in the disease steps scale of the subjects were 2 with abnormal gait, no need for walking aid, 4 depend on unilateral support, and 5 need for bilateral support.
Broekmans et al., [28]Two groups: WBV group (7 females/4 males, 46.1 years old) and Control group (11 females/3 male, 49.7 years old)Alpha Vibe Nijverdal, The Netherlands25–45 Hz/2.5 mmSubjects with an EDSS score ranging from 1.5 to 6.5