Research Article

Induced Brain Plasticity after a Facilitation Programme for Autobiographical Memory in Multiple Sclerosis: A Preliminary Study

Table 3

Brain regions exhibiting a greater difference in activity during the after versus before rehabilitation fMRI session in the comparison between past and control conditions.

Brain RegionCoordinates (x, y, z) -scoreCluster size

R Cuneus (BA 19)(12, −94, 24)4.62179
L Inferior/Middle Occipital Gyrus (BA 18, 19)(−36, −74, −4)3.84115
L Precuneus (BA 19)(−36, −76, 44)2.8239
L Superior Temporal Gyrus/Middle Temporal Gyrus/Posterior  
Cingulate (BA 22, 39, 31)
(−60, −54, 12)3.91240
L Superior Temporal Gyrus (BA 41)(−48, −22, 6)3.5966
R Middle Temporal Gyrus (BA 21)(58, −2, −12)3.3121
R Superior Temporal Gyrus (BA 38)(52, 18, −34)3.2522
R Superior Frontal Gyrus (BA 10)(28, 64, 4)3.3147
R Thalamus(12, −14, 12)4.4375
L Caudate/Thalamus(−34, −32, 0)3.0529
L Cerebellum(−34, −52, −32)3.94118
R Cerebellum(8, −72, −28)3.7361
L Cerebellum(−16, −68, −34)3.6325
L Cerebellum(−16, −78, −20)3.2740

Talaraich Coordinates Reported. BA: Brodmann's area; L: left hemisphere; R: right hemisphere.