Research Article

Is There Extra Cost of Institutional Care for MS Patients?

Table 2

Multivariate analysis: facility odds of having high MS volume (defined by pct MS days > 3%).

EffectOR95% Wald confidence limits value

 Midwest versus Northeast1.300 1.084 1.559 0.005
 South versus Northeast 0.338 0.270 0.422 <.0001
 West versus Northeast 2.133 1.750 2.600 <.0001
Type of ownership
 “Not for profit” versus “for profit”0.9090.7701.0720.255
 Governmental versus “for profit” 1.904 1.452 2.497 <.0001
Mean cost per day, $100 s0.9940.9311.0620.857
Mean of inpatient days, 100 Ks0.8870.5861.3430.571
Mean of admissions, 10 s 0.988 0.983 0.993 <.0001
Mean case-mix index (CMI)0.9240.4481.9040.831

OR = odds ratio; c-statistic = 0.776.