Clinical Study

Circadian Levels of Serum Melatonin and Cortisol in relation to Changes in Mood, Sleep, and Neurocognitive Performance, Spanning a Year of Residence in Antarctica

Table 1

Neurocognitive domains and tests used in the study protocol.

Serial numberDomainNeurocognitive TestReferences

1Attention/concentrationShifting attention test
Digit span forward Tulsky et al. [18]
Continuous performance test
2Executive functionStroop testTornatore et al. [24]
3Visual motor abilityIndex finger tapping test (FTT)Gill et al. [19]
4Visual memory Modified Rey Visual Design Learning testShapiro and Harrison [20]
5ArithmeticSpeed and accuracy of simple addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division equations.
6Speed of processingSimple and choice reaction timeLemay et al. [21]