Clinical Study

Circadian Levels of Serum Melatonin and Cortisol in relation to Changes in Mood, Sleep, and Neurocognitive Performance, Spanning a Year of Residence in Antarctica

Table 2

Psychological tests used in the study protocol and interpretation of scores.

S. noScaleGrading scaleNumber of questions Interpretation of score

1DASS 420 = does not apply42Normal
1 = applied to some degreeDepression0–9
2 = applied to a considerable degreeAnxiety0–7
3 = applied very muchStress0–14

0 = would never doze 0–10 Normal range
2ESS1 = Slight chance 810–12 Borderline
2 = Moderate chance 12–24 Abnormal
3 = High chance of dozing

3MEQProvides a “chronotype” of the individual19 Definitely Morning type = 64–56
Moderately morning type = 54–46
Neither type = 44–32
Moderately evening type = 30–22
Definitely evening type = 20–12

4MMSE30Normal 27–30.

DASS-42: depression, anxiety, and stress scale; ESS: Epworth sleepiness scale; MEQ: Morningness Eveningness Questionnaire; MMSE: Mini mental status examination.