Research Article

The Role of NMDA Receptor Subtypes in Short-Term Plasticity in the Rat Entorhinal Cortex

Figure 2

Effects of subunit selective antagonists. (a) Ro 25-6981 abolished frequency-dependent facilitation. In contrast, neither NVP-AAM077 (b) nor Zn2+ (c) had any significant effect. (d) Zn2+ also had little effect on sEPSCs. The records show consecutive sweeps of baseline recording of sEPSCs and in the presence of Zn2+. The cumulative probability plots show pooled data from 6 neurones, with 200 events from each neurone in the presence and absence of the blocker. There was a small shift to the right in the presence of Zn2+, but this failed to reach significance (KS test).