Research Article

Loss of Prestin Does Not Alter the Development of Auditory Cortical Dendritic Spines

Figure 2

Imaging dendritic structures within primary auditory cortex. (a) Low magnification epifluorescence image of a coronal brain section from a prestin KO mouse. The same section is shown in all panels. A1 was localized at the light microscopic level using a brain atlas. Scale bar: 1 mm. (b) Maximum intensity projection through the thickness of a 10x confocal image stack from A1. Boxes indicate the laminar locations imaged. Scale bar: 200 μm. Maximum intensity projection of a 100x, zoom level 0.7 confocal image stack in layer 2/3 (c) and layer 4 (d). Scale bars: 30 μm. Maximum intensity projection of a 100x, zoom level 2 confocal image stack in layer 2/3 (e) and layer 4 (f). Morphological analysis was carried out on images of this magnification. Scale bars: 10 μm.