Review Article

A Neural Correlate of Predicted and Actual Reward-Value Information in Monkey Pedunculopontine Tegmental and Dorsal Raphe Nucleus during Saccade Tasks

Figure 4

Correlations between PPTN neuronal responses with reward value and task performance. (a, b) Population spike density function of reward magnitude-dependent (a) and -independent (b) fixation target-responsive neurons averaged for large- (red) and small- (blue) reward trials, aligned to fixation target onset, saccade target onset, and reward delivery. The spike density is the population average normalized for the peaks of the individual neurons. The thick lines indicate the mean normalized activity, and the light-shaded areas are ± 1 SEM. (c, d) Correlation coefficient (absolute value) plots of the neuronal responses shown in (a) and (b) with the reaction time to fixate upon the fixation target (purple) and the reward magnitude (black). The horizontal dotted red line indicates the significance level ( 𝑃 = 0 . 0 5 ) of the correlations. FT: fixation target, ST: saccade target, RD: reward delivery. (Modified from [42].)