Review Article

A Neural Correlate of Predicted and Actual Reward-Value Information in Monkey Pedunculopontine Tegmental and Dorsal Raphe Nucleus during Saccade Tasks

Figure 6

Activity of two example DRN neurons for the saccade task. For each neuron, (a) and (b), the rasters and histograms for the leftward and rightward saccades are shown separately. The changes in their firing rates are shown by the peritask event spike density function at the top. The activity in the large- and small-reward trials is shown in red and blue, respectively. The data are shown in 3 sections: the left section is aligned to the time of fixation point onset (FPon), the middle section is aligned to target onset (TGon) and fixation point offset (FPoff), and the right section is aligned to reward onset (RWon). Note that the reward offset (RWoff) applies only to the large-reward trials. The black dots indicate saccade onset (SACon), and the light blue dots indicate reward onset and offset. (Modified from [44].)