Research Article

Regulation of Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II Signaling within Hippocampal Glutamatergic Postsynapses during Flurazepam Withdrawal

Figure 1

Images of asymmetric synapses in the CA1 SR of control (a) and 2-day FZP-withdrawn (b) rats colabeled with anti-CaMKIIα (1 : 20, recognized with 15 nm gold, arrows) and anti-pCaMKII antibodies (1 : 10, recognized with 10 nm gold, arrowheads). CaMKII and pCaMKII immunogold particles were observed pre- and postsynaptically, both intracellularly and associated with the membrane and PSD. Scale bar = 0.2 μm. (c) There was no significant change in the percent of boutons, spines, or PSDs labeled with either CaMKII or pCaMKII ( in each case). (d) There was a nonsignificant decrease in CaMKII labeling in spines (CON: particles, ; FZP: particles, ; ), as well as decreased CaMKII immunogold particles/PSD length (CON: particles/μm, ; FZP: particles/μm, ; ). However, without an alteration in pCaMKII labeling there was no change in the pCaMKII/CaMKII ratio in PSDs of 2-day FZP-withdrawn rats (CON: , ; FZP: , ; ). (e) Analysis of immunopositive compartments (≥1 immunogold particle) revealed a significant decrease in CaMKII labeling in immunopositive spines (CON: particles, ; FZP: particles, ; ) and PSDs (CON: particles/μm; FZP: particles/μm; ) from 2-day FZP-withdrawn rats. However, the ratio of pCaMKII/CaMKII within the PSD was not significantly altered (CON: , ; FZP: , ; ).