Review Article

Cortical GABAergic Interneurons in Cross-Modal Plasticity following Early Blindness

Figure 6

Laminar distribution of PV and CB expressing interneurons in the visual and auditory cortices of normal, enucleated and SC lesioned at birth hamsters. (a) Immunostaining patterns of the two CBP-IR neuronal subpopulations in V1 of normal and enucleated hamster. Left panels: cresyl violet staining with laminar boundaries; middle panels: photomicrographs of the distribution of PV and CB immunoreactivities; right panels: distribution of each CBP-IR neurons (black dots) plotted from three superimposed sampled sections. Black arrows indicate layer IV and V changes for PV-IR and CB-IR neurons between experimental groups. Pial surface of the cortices are at the top. Scale bars 100 μm. (b) Changes in the distributions of PV and CB neurons in layer IV and V of V1 compared to A1 in normal versus enucleated hamsters. (c) Alterations in the distribution of PV and CB interneurons in V1 and V2L of SC lesioned versus normal hamsters. Histograms illustrate the mean density number of neurons per mm3 of cortical layer and error bars represent SEM. Significant differences are represented by stars * , ** and *** . Adapted from Desgent et al. [29, 30].