Research Article

Functional Topography of Human Corpus Callosum: An fMRI Mapping Study

Table 2

Summary of patients studied and stimulation sites.

Subject AgeGenderOldfield scoreCallosal resectionDTITasteTactileVisualAuditory

M.C. 51M 10 (right) Partial posterior Yes L, RL, RL, R—C
D.B 59F 11 (right) Partial anterior Yes L, RL, R—C
R.V. 39M 10 (right) Partial anterior Yes L, RL, RL, R—C
L.M.32F10 (right)Partial anteriorYesL, RL, RL&R
O.T. 51M 10 (right) Partial anterior Yes L, RL, RL, R
P.F. 26M 10 (right) Partial central Yes L, RL, RL, RL, R

L: left side stimulation.
R: right side stimulation.
L, R: stimulation of the left and right side alternatively during the same session.
L&R: stimulation of the left and right side simultaneously.