Review Article

Brain Reorganization following Intervention in Children with Congenital Hemiplegia: A Systematic Review

Table 1

Population and study design.

StudyDesignPatientsM : FAgeDiagnosis: congenital U-CPLesion/etiopathogenesisType of reorganization

[13]Case series5*n/a7–13 ys 4R-CP, 1bilateralCP*n/an/a
[14]Case series106 : 42.1–7.6
( )
8R-CP; 2L-CP3L-FP; 4L-PV; 1R-F;
1L-FT; 1R-FP
[15]Case series104 : 67–14 ys
( )
4L-CP; 6R-CP3 malformative,
3 prenatal, 1 connatal,
2 early acquired, 1 n/a
[16]Case series32 : 113–15 ysR-CP2 patients: perinatal stroke,
1 patient: IVH
[17]Case series105 : 510–30 ys
(median 14 ys)
6R-CP; 4L-CPunilateral cortical-subcortical infarction in the MCA territory7/10 ipsilesional
3/10 mixed
[18]Case series73 : 410–30 ys
(median 16 ys)
5R-CP; 2L-CPunilateral cortical-subcortical infarction in the MCA territoryipsilesional
[19]Case series divided into: contralesional, ipsilesional 16
8 : 8
5 : 4
3 : 4
10–31 ys
11–31 ys
10–30 ys
6L-CP, 10R-CP
4L-CP, 5R-CP
2L-CP, 5R-CP
unilateral cortical-subcortical infarction in the MCA territory9/16 contralesional
7/16 ipsilesional

A participant had bilateral involvement with right arm sparing; assessed by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). Abbreviations: M: male; F: female; ys: years; L: left; R: right; U-CP: unilateral cerebral palsy, IVH: intraventricular hemorrhage; MCA: middle cerebral artery; FP: frontoparietal; PV: periventricular; F: frontal; TP: temporal-parietal; CIMT: constraint-induced movement therapy; VR: virtual reality; NDT: neurodevelopmental treatment; OT: occupational therapy; n/a: not available.