Research Article

Altered Functional Connectivity of the Primary Visual Cortex in Subjects with Amblyopia

Table 2

Overlapping brain areas with altered functional connectivity with the primary visual area in amblyopia individuals (cluster size > 70 voxels).

Brain RegionCluster SizeMNI Coordinates
( )

Left primary visual cortex
20 −38 −52
 Cerebellum Tonsil8528 −42 −48
26 −34 −48
8 −50 −44
 Cerebellum Vermis_9 155−2 −56 −40
8 −60 −38
12 −82 −42
 Cerebellum Crus2/Vermis_718218 −82 −36
6 −84 −34
−38 −58 −42
 Cerebellum_6178−38 −48 −40
−32 −42 −38
36 −46 −40
 Cerebellum Crus1/652316 −72 −38
40 −64 −38
−42 −56 36
 IPL/ANG.L269−36 −60 40
−44 −60 44
34 −48 40
 IPL/ANG.R17940 −54 42
32 −56 44

Right primary visual cortex
4 −74 −16
 Lingual/Vermis_679−10 −90 −12
−2 −70 −12
−42 −60 34
 IPL/ANG.L117−48 −66 38
−36 −56 38

IPL: inferior parietal lobe, ANG: angular lobe, L: left, R: right, MNI Coordinates: Montreal Neurological Institute Coordinates [30].