Research Article

Prophylactic Subacute Administration of Zinc Increases CCL2, CCR2, FGF2, and IGF-1 Expression and Prevents the Long-Term Memory Loss in a Rat Model of Cerebral Hypoxia-Ischemia

Figure 7

The effect of subacute administration of zinc on learning and long-term memory after hypoxia-ischemia in rats. ((a) and (b)) Graphs showing the latency to reach the escape platform in the fourth event (eastern quadrant) of a daily evaluation for five days in the Morris Water Maze ( rats per group). (c) Graphs showing the latency determined on day 7 after the learning training, that is, on day 12 after reperfusion ( rats per group). (d) Graphs showing the number of times in southeast (# Time in SE) at which rats pass by the platform location. Evaluations were made on day 7 after the learning training. The values are the mean ± SEM. , significant when compared with the control group ANOVA test and post hoc Dunnett’s test, . , significant when compared with the CCAO group; unpaired Student’s -test. .