Research Article

Alterations of the Ceramide Metabolism in the Peri-Infarct Cortex Are Independent of the Sphingomyelinase Pathway and Not Influenced by the Acid Sphingomyelinase Inhibitor Fluoxetine

Figure 5

Fluoxetine treatment from day 3 to day 28 reduces infarct size, but has no impact on functional outcome, ASM activity or ceramide levels in the peri-infarct cortex. (a) Stroke size at day 28, (b) functional outcome, measured by the cylinder test, (c) functional outcome, measured by the forelimb grid-walking test, (d) total ceramide levels, and (e) ASM activity. Stroke size was determined by measuring the infarcted cortical area, ceramide level, ASM activity was measured at different time points as indicated above. Differences between saline and fluoxetine were analyzed using Student’s unpaired two-tailed -test. Data are presented as means ± SD; ; n.s., nonsignificant; (a), (d), and (e): = 5–10/group; (b) and (c): = 10/group.