Research Article

Neuronal Substrates Underlying Performance Variability in Well-Trained Skillful Motor Task in Humans

Table 1

Brain regions where activity was negatively correlated with the number of correct sequences (PERFROMANCE image).

Brain areasCoordinates of peaks-value

Right hemisphere

Left hemisphere
 Lobule VI−32−50−364.67
 Lobule VII−44−52−344.42

Peaks in brain activation that were more than 4 mm apart from each other were reported (voxel size = 2 × 2 × 2 mm). For anatomical identification of peaks, we only considered cytoarchitectonic areas with more than 30% probability available in the anatomy toolbox. Cytoarchitectonic area with the highest probability was reported for each peak. When cytoarchitectonic areas with more than 30% probability were not available for a peak, we simply provided its anatomical location. When several peaks were identified at the same cytoarchitectonic area or anatomical location, we only provided the peak coordinates with the highest -value. MFG: middle frontal gyrus. IFG: inferior frontal gyrus. MCC: middle cingulate cortex. STG: superior temporal gyrus. PG: postcentral gyrus.