Research Article

The Vitamin A Derivative All-Trans Retinoic Acid Repairs Amyloid-β-Induced Double-Strand Breaks in Neural Cells and in the Murine Neocortex

Figure 4

Repair pathways of Aβ-induced DSBs. (a) Box plot of mean comet tail lengths of SH-SY5Y cells (number of cells measured: ) after 30 min treatments with RA (5 μM), the HDAC inhibitor TSA (3 μM), and Aβ (20 μM) demonstrating the involvement of HDAC. (b) Box plot of mean comet tail lengths of SH-SY5Y cells () after 30 min treatments with RA (5 μM), Aβ (20 μM), KU 55933 (ATM inhibitor, 10 μM), and NU 7026 (DNA-PK inhibitor, 150 μM) demonstrating the involvement of ATM and of DNA-PK. ANOVA with Bonferroni correction: ; ns = not significant; Ø = without treatment for 30 min.