Research Article

Postischemic Anhedonia Associated with Neurodegenerative Changes in the Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus of Rats

Figure 1

Behavioral analysis of the rats after MCAO. Symbols used are as follows: open square, sham; open circle, sham + antidepressant; closed square, MCAO; closed circle, MCAO + antidepressant; /group, total . For antidepressants treatment, vehicle (open and closed square), 20 mg/kg/day of IMP in (a) and (c) to (f) or FLV in (b) (open and closed circles) was administered for 29 weeks. Statistical significance was evaluated with two-way ANOVA followed by Scheffe post hoc test. (a) Sucrose preference test with IMP. ; ; ; and versus sham; versus MCAO + IMP. (b) Sucrose preference test with FLV. ; ; ; and versus sham; versus MCAO + FLV. (c) Daily amount of water drinking before (Naïve) and after MCAO. ; ; ; versus sham. (d) Changes of body weight before (Naïve) and after MCAO. ; ; ; versus sham. (e, f) Open field test. (e) Horizontal activity during a period of 10 min. ; ; ; versus sham. (f) Vertical activity characterized by the number of rearing instances during a period of 10 min. ; ; ; versus sham.