Review Article

Synaptic Plasticity, a Prominent Contributor to the Anxiety in Fragile X Syndrome

Table 1

Spine phenotypes in broad encephalic regions and at different periods. In the mouse model of FXS, spine density and morphology were altered in an age-, region-, and cell type-specific manner.

Brain areasMethodsSpine phenotypesReference

HippocampusDevelopmentP0 + 7 DIV or 21 DIV; fixed, DilDecreased density
Normal length
P0 + 16 DIV;
fixed, FITC-phalloidin
High density
Longer spines
More immature and lacked synapse in puncta
CA1 and CA3
E15/16 + 14 DIV or P7
Fixed and in vitro, GFP
Density not reported
Longer spines at P7
More immature
P6/7 + 4-5 DIV
Fixed, cultured slices, two-photon, GFP
Normal density
Length not reported
CA1; 2-week-old;
confocal imaging, fixed, Dil
Normal density
Decreased spine length
AdultDentate gyrus granule cells; juvenile-adult (P15–P60); fixed, Golgi, EMHigher density
Length NA
More immature
CA1; 3-month-old;
fixed, Golgi
Higher density
Length NA
More immature
CA1; 10/25-week-old; confocal imaging fixed, DilNormal density
Longer spines

AmygdalaAdultBasolateral amygdala; 3-month-old;
fixed, Golgi
Higher density
Longer spine
More immature
[24, 40]

Cortex layer 2/3DevelopmentBarrel cortex; P7–P21; in vivo, two-photon, GFPNormal density
Normal length
High turnover at P10–12
More immature spines
Primary visual cortex; two-week-old;
Golgi, fixed
Normal density
Longer spines
Prefrontal cortex; two-week-old;
acute slice, two-photon
Normal density
Longer spines
AdultVisual cortex; P35 (±1);
Golgi, fixed
Higher density
Length NA
Temporal cortex
Adult (two months)
Golgi, fixed
Higher density
Normal length (trend toward longer spines)
Medial prefrontal cortex; adult (13 weeks); fixed, GolgiHigher density
Longer spines

Cortex layer 4DevelopmentBarrel cortex
P7, P14; Golgi, fixed
Normal density[45]

Cortex layer 5DevelopmentBarrel cortex
fixed, two-photon, GFP
Normal density at P14 and P30; high density at P7
Longer at P7 and P14, then normal at P30
Barrel cortex
P2 + 5 DIV;
cultured slices, two-photon, GFP
Normal density
Normal length
Normal motility
AdultVisual cortex
Golgi, fixed
Higher density
More immature
Visual cortex
Golgi, fixed
Normal density
Length NA
More immature
Barrel cortex
Juvenile and adult
Golgi, fixed
Normal density in juvenile (P25);
higher in adults
Normal length in juvenile; longer in adults
More immature
Occipital cortex
Adult (60–90 days)
Golgi, fixed
Higher density
Longer spine
More immature

Major drawbacks in comparing these different studies are caused not only by the use of different staining, quantification methods of spines, choice of tissue source, and hippocampal neurons cultured in in vivo or ex vivo brain tissue, but also by different mouse strains. Also, the classification of dendritic protrusions into different categories, such as mature and immature, differs between studies (some look at the presence versus absence of a head, other at the ratio between the width and the length of the protrusion, and also others, at the profile).
BDA, biotinylated dextran; DIV, days in vitro; EM, electron microscopy.
FITC, fluorescein isothiocyanate; Dil, diOlistic labelling.
GFP, green fluorescent protein; NA, not available.