Research Article

Enhanced Glutamatergic Currents at Birth in Shank3 KO Mice

Figure 1

The GABA developmental sequence in CA3 pyramidal neurons is not altered in Shank3-/- mice. (a) Representative / curves from single GABAA receptor channels recordings for WT (in grey) and Shank3-/- (in red) mice at P0. Inset shows representative single GABAA channels recorded in cell-attached configuration at different holding potentials (-Vp) in a P0 WT mouse. (b, c) Average values of DFGABA measured in WT (in grey) and Shank3-/- (in red) mice at birth (b) and at P14-P16 (c). (d) Representative traces of spontaneous extracellular field potentials with corresponding time courses of spike frequency changes after application of isoguvacine (10 μM) for WT and Shank3-/- mice at P16. (e) Histogram of averaged normalized spike frequency in control, isoguvacine, and wash-out periods for WT and Shank3-/- mice at P16. (f) Representative images of KCC2 expression in CA3 hippocampal layers and higher magnification (zoom factor 3) images of KCC2 immunolabeling in the CA3 stratum pyramidale for WT and Shank3-/- mice at P14-P15. (g) Normalized KCC2 fluorescence intensity for WT (in grey) and Shank3-/- (in red) mice in the stratum oriens (so), stratum pyramidale (sp), stratum lucidum (sl), and stratum radiatum (sr) at P14-P15. Data are presented as , , . (b) for WT and for Shank3-/- mice. (c) for WT and for Shank3-/- mice. (e) for WT and for Shank3-/- mice. (g) for WT and for Shank3-/- mice for all layers except for the stratum radiatum where for WT.