Research Article

Heterogeneous Acupuncture Effects of Taixi (KI3) on Functional Connectivity in Healthy Youth and Elder: A Functional MRI Study Using Regional Homogeneity and Large-Scale Functional Connectivity Analysis

Figure 3

Average within and between subnetwork connections of fMRI in postneedling KI3 (red bar) compared with resting state (blue bar). (a) Average within network connections of subnetworks after needling KI3 compared to resting state in the youth group and the elder group. (b) Average between network connections of subnetworks after needling KI3 compared to resting state in the healthy youth group and the elder group. Those within or between subnetwork connections that showed no differences were not displayed in the figure. and after FDR correction. The value in upper part of the bars indicated Cohen’s value, which depicted the effect size of connections between two groups.