Research Article

Alterations in Human Hippocampus Subregions across the Lifespan: Reflections on White Matter Structure and Functional Connectivity

Table 1

The final significant FC regions of aHipp.L and pHipp.L within the left hemisphere.

ROIAnatomicalHemisphereCluster voxelsMNI ()-value

aHippPallidumL23(-21, 0, -6)7.6
aHippInferior temporal gyrusL15(-33, 12, -39)6.62
pHippPrecuneusL28(-9, -69, 36)-5.04
pHippAnterior cingulate cortexL20(-12, 39, -6)-5.04
pHippCalcarine cortexL46(-6, -63, 18)-5.06
pHippLingual gyrusL17(-15, -93, -12)-5.06