Review Article

Inflammation, Cerebral Vasospasm, and Evolving Theories of Delayed Cerebral Ischemia

Table 1

Landmark discoveries of the relationship between vasospasm and inflammation in the last halfcentury.

History of the relationship between inflammatory markers and cerebral vasospasm: a look at contributions to the literature
Author (year)Inflammatory parameter assessedModel Findings

Walton (1955) [52]FeverHuman SAH patients with fever have decreased survival
Rousseaux et al. (1980) [53]FeverHuman SAH patients with fever have decreased survival
Spallone et al. (1987) [54]LeukocytosisHuman SAH is accompanied by leukocytosis
Mathiesen et al. (1990) [137]NeopterinHuman CSF neopterin levels rise with SAH
Minami et al. (1991) [103]LTC4Canine LTC4 expression increases with SAH
Peterson et al. (1990) [138]Cell free blood components Canine Subarachnoid foreign bodies induce angiographic BA vasospasm
Edwards et al. (1992) [57]EDRFPorcineAdventitial hemoglobin reduces EDRF concentrations
Onda et al. (1999) [139]MCP-1, cystatin B, inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor, serum amyloid A protein, and GP130Canine SAH increases expression of inflammatory markers genes
Fabender et al., (2000) [9]ET1, IL-6, and TNF In vitroLeukocytes activated by incubation with blood release inflammatory markers
Aihara et al. (2001) [140]Il-1A, Il-6, Il-6, Il10, VCAM-1, TGF-ss, and bFGFCanine SAH increases expression of markers with BA vasospasm
McGirt et al. (2002) [141]MM-9, VEGF, and vWFHuman Increases in VEGF, MMP-9, and VEGF precede angiographic vasospasm
Sasaki et al. (2004) [142]IL-1a, IL-1b, and IL-8CanineHemolysate increased inflammatory marker expression by MAPK mediated pathways
Recinos et al. (2006) [19]LPSLeporine LPS induces BA narrowing and clinical CVS
Zhou et al. (2007) [143]TNF , ICAM-1, and MPOLeporineHemolysate increases NF-Kb DNA binding activity with increase in inflammatory markers and angiographic BA vasospasm
Jȩdrzejowska-Szypułka et al. (2009) [68]IL-1BMurineIL-1B activity increased with hemolysate and reversed with IL-1B antibodies
Wang et al. (2010) [144]CD34MurineCD34 expression increases with SAH at the peak of vasospasm
Wirrig et al. (2011) [145]SPCMurineSPC increases MCP-1 and acts as inflammatory mediator in CVS

LTC4: leukotriene C4, MCP-1: monocyte chemotactic protein 1, ET1: endothelin 1, TNF : tumor necrosis factor alpha, MMP9: matrix metalloproteinase, bFGF: basic fibroblast growth factor, EDRF: endothelium derived relaxing factor, IL1: interleukin 1, LPS: lipopolysaccharide, ICAM-1: intercellular adhesion molecule 1, MPO: myeloperoxidase, vWF: von Willebrand’s factor, CD34: cluster of differentiation 34, SPC: sphyngosylphosphorylcholine, BA: basilar artery, and GP130: glycoprotein 130.