Research Article

The Outcome of Agitation in Poisoned Patients in an Iranian Tertiary Care University Hospital

Table 3

Frequency distribution of paraclinical tests in the studied patients.

Parameter Range (%)

Blood urea nitrogen (BUN); normal range: 6–20 (mg/dL)>202 (3.6)
Serum creatinine (Cr) level; normal range: 0.6–1.3 (mg/dL)>1.3 4 (7.1)
Serum Na+ level; normal range: 135–145 (mmol/L)<1355 (8.9)
>1452 (3.6)
Serum K+ level; normal range: 3.5–5 (mmol/L)<3.55 (8.9)
>52 (3.6)
Blood glucose level; normal range: 70–110 (mmol/L)>1102 (3.6)
<7018 (32.1)
Serum pH value; normal range: 7.35–7.45>7.451 (1.8)
Blood oxygen saturation level; normal range (more than 90%)<90% 2 (3.6)
Hemoglobin level; normal range: 12–14 g/dL (women) 
14–16 g/dL (men)
>14 or >1613 (23.2)
White blood cell count (WBC); normal range: 4.5–11 (×103/µL)<4.54 (7.1)
>116 (10.7)
Platelet count; normal range: 150–450 (×109/L)<15011 (19.6)