Research Article

Action Planning for Daily Mouth Care in Long-Term Care: The Brushing Up on Mouth Care Project

Table 3

Evaluation Framework.

Outcome variablesData sourceProposed metrics/indicators

Programmatic strategies
Integration of individualized oral care planFocus group and key informant narratives
Administrator diary studies
Document review (e.g., policy)
Thematic analysis
Proportion of residents in whom oral care is discussed during care planning meetings

Oral assessmentsOral care activities recordsSummary data

Professional dental careOral care activities recordsUse of referral systems (e.g., to dentist)

Daily mouth care protocolFocus group and interview narratives
Diary studies
Oral care activity records
Thematic analysis
Oral care product use

Material indicators of program uptakeDental supply inventory
Dental supply orders
Summary data

Nonmaterial indicators of program uptake (e.g., time allotment formal and informal practices)Focus group and key informant narratives
Diary studies
Document review
Thematic analysis

Organizational culture
Behavior/attitudes of staff toward delivery
of oral care
Focus group and key informant narratives
Care provider and administrator diary studies
Thematic analysis
Mean change in AWS scores

Satisfaction/acceptability of staff/residents/familiesFocus group narratives and interviewsPre/postintervention comparison of themes and patterns

Staff knowledge of oral healthPosteducation knowledge uptake questionnairesAttendance at orientation and education in-service
Pre/posteducation knowledge (scores)

Organizational valuesKey informant narratives
Document review
Pre/postcomparison of themes and patterns