Research Article

Exploring Registered Psychiatric Nurses' Responses towards Service Users with a Diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder

Box 2

SPIRS scenario (multiple psychiatric admissions) [27].
Interviewer reads the scenario and asks the questions below of each participant.
“H” is a patient in his mid-twenties.
He has a history of MULTIPLE psychiatric admissions.
He was admitted to hospital 8 days ago.
During the next week, while under your care, this patient says:
“Why should I get dressed—there is no place to go”
You answer:
“You’re the only one who treats me like a real person, not a job.”
You answer:
“Stop bugging me. Why do you keep trying to talk to me anyway”.
You answer:
Why do I have to go to group again—the whole thing is useless”.
You answer:
“You have no idea how I feel. I wish I were dead and what can you do anyway”.
You answer:
Why would you respond to the client that way?
What experiences influence your response?
Are there any other comments you would like to make about this subject?