Research Article

Perception and Attitudes of Physicians and Nurses about Violence against Women

Table 2

Distribution of physicians and nurses from district basic health units of Ribeirão Preto, SP, according to their perception in cases of suspected intimate partner violence.

Professional’s perception in case of suspected intimate partners violence. Agree%Indifferent%Disagree%P Total (%)

(a) The role of physicians in case of victimized women should be the same role that they take in case of victimized child.
(b) The violence by women's husband should be seen and treated as a doctor problem.
(c) The violence by women's husband is caused by social problems such as unemployment.
(d) The violence by women's husband is caused by drug and alcohol abuse.
(e) The violence by women's husband is caused by psychological problems of the victim.
(f) The violence by women's husband is caused by psychological problems of the husband.
(g) The women attacked by their husband or partners remain in this situation because of their masochism.
h) The violent husbands should have compassion, because they feel emotional upset.

Database: district basic health units of Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, 2008 [18].