Review Article

A Review of Advance Care Planning Programs in Long-Term Care Homes: Are They Dementia Friendly?

Table 4

Evaluation of advance care planning programs using the sixth criterion of the Dementia Policy Lens Toolkit.

Criteria Casarett et al. [33]Hanson et al. [36]*Molloy et al. [35]Morrison et al. [34]Strumpf et al. [37]*

Respect and dignity
 Is the policy/program flexible enough to respond to  the uniqueness of each individual?YYYYY
 Are people with dementia and their families portrayed positively?YYYYY

Self-determination and independence
 Does the policy/program:
  Provide opportunities to make choices?YYYYY
  Reflect knowledge of what is important to the person?YYYYY
  Promote coping skills/strengths?UUUUU
  Promote and support option and informed choices for people with dementia and their caregivers at each phase of the disease/transition point? NUUYY

Social inclusiveness/relationships/participation
 Are any barriers to the participation of people with dementia and their families removed?YUYYU
 Is spirituality supported?NYUUY
 Is a sense of mattering facilitated?YYYYY

Fairness and equity
 Are the procedures and criteria inherent in the policy/guideline/program fair and reasonable?YYYYY
 Does it consider individual versus collective needs?YYYYY

 Does the policy/program:
  Provide the security of being able to plan for the future (appropriate house and services, death)?YYYYY

Protection and risk management
 Does the policy/program:
  Ensure that the preferences of people with dementia are taken into account as much as possible?YYYYY

U: unclear; Y: yes; N: no; *LTC home-wide strategy assumed that all residents are eligible for participation.
Criteria from MacCourt [4].