Research Article

Relatives to Critically Ill Patients Have No Sense of Coherence: A Quality Improvement Article Using Mixed Methods

Table 1

The 10 statements from the questionnaire, each with the percentage of respondents indicating that they were always or almost always agreeing to the statement. A percentage lower than 70% is an indication that improvement is needed [14].

QuestionsAlways/mostly (%)

Was the nursing staff that took care of your relative present when you needed them?55
Were the nurses accommodating and easy to talk to?78
Did the health professionals maintain confidentiality while caring for your relative?70
Were you involved in decisions about the care of your relative as much as you felt you needed to be?48
Did the health professionals explain why the care was given in a way which was understandable for you?67
Was the nursing staff responsive to the special needs and concerns of your relative?55
Did you feel that the care of your relatives was well organized?59
Did the health professionals anticipate and meet the needs of your relative?48
When you asked questions to the health professionals did they answer in a way you could understand?55
Were you involved in planning the discharge of your relative from the department?78