Research Article

Knowledge, Awareness, Perceptions, and Use of Emergency Contraceptives among Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

Table 2

Emergency contraception awareness, knowledge, perceptions, and likelihood of use in the future for the sample.

EC Awareness/Knowledge*Total Sample ( )

Low Knowledge51.3%
High Knowledge14.9%
Likelihood of future EC use57.0%
Reasons for not using EC in the future
Believe partner would not approve42.2%
Donot know where to get it26.6%
Lack of transportation17.5%
Lack of money to buy it37.7%
Believe she could not tolerate side effects27.3%
Has moral or religious objections31.8%
Knowledge among those aware of EC
If a woman is already pregnant EC will cause an abortion62.7%
EC may cause problems with becoming pregnant later49.0%
Perceptions among those aware of EC
Believe that EC is effective87.3%
Believe that EC is safe61.8%

*“Those unaware answered no or donot know to the questions, “if a woman has just had sex and thinks that she might become pregnant, is there anything she can do in the next few days to prevent pregnancy?” and, “have you ever heard of morning-after pills, also called emergency contraceptive pills?” Low knowledge and high knowledge indicate the woman was aware of EC and correctly answered at least of 2 or 3 of the 4 questions on EC knowledge (i.e., prescription required, correct timing after unprotected sex, does not cause abortion, and does not cause problems with pregnancy in the future), respectively.