Research Article

Circulating Unmetabolized Folic Acid: Relationship to Folate Status and Effect of Supplementation

Table 3

Baseline dietary and biochemical data for participants with detectable or undetectable (i.e., below the LOD) plasma concentrations of unmetabolized folic acid.

Undetectable ( )Detectable ( )

Plasma folic acid (nmol/L)8.8 (0.27–41.9)
Dietary folic acid (μg/day)188.5 (56.8–380.0)191.8 (70.6–395.8)>0.99
Dietary total folate (μg DFE/day)477.5 (181.9–849.2)450.4 (231.9–979.4)0.52
Plasma total folate (nmol/L)48.7 (30.3–87.7)43.7 (27.4–84.8)0.27
RBC folate (nmol/L)969.2 (761.0–1777.5)1018.61 (710.3–2355.1)0.88

a value, as determined by Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test (due to unequal sample sizes).