Research Article

Surgical Management of Uterine Fibroids at Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital

Table 2

Parity and type of operation performed on the patient.

ParityHysterectomyMyomectomy OR CI value

O 2 5 0.26 0.03–1.65 <0.05**
1 3 8 0.23 0.05–1.06 <0.05**
2 3 10 0.18 0.04– 0.76 <0.05**
3 12 18 0.35 0.13–0.92 < 0.05**
4 13 2 5.69 1.12–38.84 <0.05*
≥5 28 1 36.48 4.85–757.27 <0.05*

Total 61 (58.1) 44 (41.9)1.92 1.07–3.46<0.05*

*Statistically significant for hysterectomy
**Statistically significant for myomectomy.