Research Article

G Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor-Selective Ligands Modulate Endometrial Tumor Growth

Figure 4

GPER mediates PI3K activation in Hec50 cells. (a) Hec50 cells were transfected with no siRNA (mock transfected), control siRNA or siRNA targeting GPER (GPER siRNA), and the PH-RFP reporter. Transfected Hec50 cells were stimulated with vehicle, estrogen (10 nM E2), or G-1 (10 nM). (b) Hec50 cells transfected with no siRNA (mock transfected) and control siRNA or siRNA targeting GPER (GPER siRNA) were stained for GPER (with carboxy-terminal antibody) to demonstrate the specific knockdown of GPER in the GPER siRNA-treated cells.