Review Article

Kluyveromyces lactis: A Suitable Yeast Model to Study Cellular Defense Mechanisms against Hypoxia-Induced Oxidative Stress

Figure 2

Homologies (percentage of identity calculated according to BLASTp in Génolevures) between K. lactis and S. cerevisiae proteins related to the pathways summarized in Figure 1. Red, 100–70% identity; green 69–40% identity; blue, <40% identity. (A) heme biosynthesis; (B) ergosterol biosynthesis and supply; (C) NAD(P)H consuming oxidative defense reactions; (D) other oxidative defense reactions; E, NAD(P)-dehydrogenases from the inner membrane of mitochondria; (F) heme/respiration-related transcriptional factors; (G) sterol-related transcriptional factors; (H) peroxide-related transcriptional factors; (I) life span-related proteins; (J) mitophagy-related proteins.