Research Article

Malarial Infection of Female BWF1 Lupus Mice Alters the Redox State in Kidney and Liver Tissues and Confers Protection against Lupus Nephritis

Figure 4

Apoptotic changes in renal and hepatic tissues after malaria infection. The effect of malarial infection on apoptotic DNA fragmentation in renal and hepatic tissues of female BWF1 mice. Kidney tissues of the lupus (a), live malaria (b), and gamma-irradiated (c) infected group and liver tissues of the lupus (d), live malaria (e), and gamma-irradiated (f) infected group of BWF1 mice at week 32. Paraffin-embedded tissue sections were prepared and investigated using TUNEL apoptosis detection kits. The TUNEL-positive nuclei (arrows) are markedly different from those observed in the lupus group. Original magnification, 1000x in the kidney tissue, and 400x in the live tissue.